Alexis Mendoza - Aspiring Web Developer

JavaScript Novice

JavaScript:Essential Training

  1. Introduction.
  2. JavaScipt is high level. Sometimes we have to understand the web browser. The HTML is a browser easy that we can play around. The Javarscript is a hard language that runs in many browser.
  3. The basic.
  4. There are a lot od tools that can help us in the future.
  5. Working with data.
  6. In JavaScript falls into six primitive data types.You can use single or double quotes, just make sure you use hyphens or quotes. We can replace any symbol between these quotion marks.
  7. Functions and Objects.
  8. Functions are mini programs inside our scripts. They can be used to segment off sections of our code to make it easier to manage, or to run repeated operations, or both. Functions wrap around code blocks, which contain the actual statements to be run, and typically include some combination of variable assignments, operations, and conditions.
  9. JavaScript Dom, part 1.
  10. These objects are modelled by what's known as the Browser Object Model, or BOM for short. Because all these things are just objects, we can interact with them using JavaScript the same way we interact with any other object.
  11. Create a clock
  12. JavaScript DOM part 2.
  13. Using JavaScript, we can write our own scripts to respond to these events as well. Now we'll use events to add that important interactive layer into our JavaScript, triggering functions and behaviors when specific interactions occur, rather than when the browser loads. The formula for building JavaScript functionality around events is called event handling and it typically takes this form
  14. Project: add reset button.
  15. Loops
  16. Automated Responsive Images

JavaScript for web Designers

  1. Debugging
  2. A Matter of time